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Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 35
Localisation : Tours
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2007

Doomwalker Empty
MessageSujet: Doomwalker   Doomwalker Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mai - 19:35

Tech de Doomwalker, boss présent à ombrelune, pret du temple noir.

A creation of the Burning Legion to weaken the fortifications of the Black Temple, Doomwalker, a 40 man raid boss, is located in the Shadowmoon Valley outside the Black Temple.

Raid Setup
2 Main Tanks, 3-5 Off tanks
16 Healers
4 Melee DPS
13 Ranged DPS

The Main Tanks need to be your best geared with high health pools.

Healers should be spread out 2 per group, designate 1 to heal the MT and the other to the party.

Melee DPS are the weak points in this fight as they could never run out of Earthquake range, but are needed none the less. Also, as you get further out in the circle, there is more room to spread out than in the center.

Gear Requirements
All players must have a health pool higher then 8000 (buffed). Sacrifice DPS gear for Stamina. It is crucial that players be able to survive through Doomwalker's abilities.

Buffs and Consumables
Healing consumables (health pots, bandages etc..) for Healers and DPS. Flasks of the Titans and Ironshield potions for your Main Tanks. These are the minimum consumables you can bring and still be able to do this encounter.

If you want a higher chance of a kill, load the DPS with all DPS potions available to you. All beneficial casted buffs should be on every person, especially ones that modify stamina (Kings, Fortitude, MOTW, etc..). Windfury for your few melee, of course. Be sure to use Heroism during the Enrage stage.

You really can fight this guy forever as you are allowed to go out of combat. DPS Consumables honestly are not the best solution as they are costly. If every person in your raid has more then 8000 health, you can win this fight with the tanks alive.

Boss Abilities

Physical damage. 100 yard range. Deals a total of 8000 damage (2000 ever 2 seconds). Cannot be mitigated with armor. It is possible to move out of range once the ability has started, but players may often get stunned and knocked down. The simplest way to counter-act this ability is to always have health over 8000. You should bandage once the ability has stopped. Occurs at least once every minute!Doomwalker Doomwalker-earthquake

Periodic Buff on Doomwalker which increases his movement speed by 100%. When this buff is active he will deaggro and charge other players (based on threat). Off tanks should taunt when Doomwalker comes into their vicinity and drag him back to the center. A main tank should taunt him off the off tank. All DPS should stop during this ability. Occurs at least once every 45 seconds!

"Lightning Wrath"
Nature damage (Binary Resist). An attack similar to that of C'Thun stage 1, but not as frequent. The lightning will chain between players and the damage will increase as the chain gets larger. All ranged DPS should stack on each other in piles of 2. This will create more room for other players, and guarantee that only 2 players ever get hit. This is a much safer strategy than hoping only 1 player gets hit with little room. Players should spread out in distances of 10 yards because the lightning cannot chain beyond that. This ability can never hit the main tank.

"Sunder Armor"
Reduces the armor of the players tanking, eventually to a point where the main tank can easily die. The two tanks should alternate tanking. When tank A has 3-4 stacks, tank B should Taunt and tank. When tank A loses his Sunder Armor, he should Taunt back. This way, you will always have a tank with low amounts of Sunder Armor. This will make healing much easier, allowing you to heal other players who are getting hit by Overrun, Earthquake, and Lightning Wrath.

Ocours when Doomwalker reaches 20% health. As of Feburary 19th 2007, a hotfix was applied to fix Enrage giving double damage to Doomwalker's Abilities. It is no longer possible to get instantly killed with an Enraged Earthquake. The fight will occur as normal except all auto attacks (ie. non special abilities) will be double damage during this period. If a tank dies, the off tanks should run in, taunt, and immediately hit Shield Wall until they possibly die.

"Mark of Death"
Debuff given to a player when they die in range of Doomwalker. They are unable to attack Doomwalker for 15 minutes. Any player with this debuff will automatically die should they get close to him.



Doomwalker Doomwalker-positions

Orange - Doomwalker

Light Green - 2 main tanks should be in the center of the bright red circle on top of each other. Stand inside Doomwalker's model. Melee should be on the outside of the bright red circle.

Blue - Healers and Ranged DPS.

Dark Green - Off tanks standing near ranged groups.

The Pull
When Doomwalker is walking away from the door of the Black Temple, your 2 MTs, melee DPS, and a hunter should be positioned on the road. Everyone else should stand either to the left or the right. The hunter should begin with using "Misdirection." Once Doomwalker is engaged, everyone should move to their designated positions.

The Fight
A very heavy DPS based encounter. If your raid can not burn 20% of his health within a minute using all cooldowns, don't bother fighting him. All jobs are very simple and repetitive. DPS when you can, but don't force it: survivability is key! Doomwalker does not have a time based enrage, so you can fight him all day!

Main Tanks
Always be at the center of the area when tanking Doomwalker, you don't want to be out of range of healers. Tanks should alternate tanking using Taunt so as to not allow Doomwalker's Sunder Armor to stack too high. On Overrun, wait for off tanks to bring Doomwalker to the center and one tank should Taunt it off them. (Important Abilities to know about: Sunder Armor, Enrage)

Other Warriors
Stand close to ranged DPS. When Doomwalker gains his Overrun ability, be ready to taunt Doomwalker should he get close. Drag Doomwalker to the center once he stops doing Overrun; A Main Tank will taunt him off you. You should then return to your position.
(Imporant Abilities to know about: Overrun, Enrage)

Stand on the outside of the red area. Spread out between each other (North, East, West, South) so as to avoid getting hit by Lightning Wrath. Lightning Wrath will never link to you from the main tank, only from other DPS. When Doomwalker gains Overrun, do not run after him. Wait for the OT to return him to the center. Save cooldowns until 20%.
(Imporant Abilities to know about: Earthquake, Overrun, Enrage, Lightning Wrath)

Stand on the outer circles in piles of 2, standing 15 yards between each other. You are able to run out of the range of Earthquake if you time it properly! If you ever need mana, run to the out of combat area to drink. Save cooldowns until 20%.
(Imporant Abilities to know about: Earthquake, Overrun, Enrage, Lightning Wrath)

Stand with ranged DPS and focus on the main tanks. Be sure everyone is at 100% health before an Earthquake. Priests should use Fade during Overruns. Paladins can taunt Doomwalker if off tanks are unable to pick him up during an Overrun.
(Imporant Abilities to know about: Earthquake, Overrun, Enrage, Sunder Armor, Lightning Wrath)

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Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 35
Localisation : Tours
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2007

Doomwalker Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Doomwalker   Doomwalker Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mai - 19:35

et en prime je vais éssayer de vous traduir sa Smile
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Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 35
Localisation : Tours
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2007

Doomwalker Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Doomwalker   Doomwalker Icon_minitimeDim 20 Mai - 20:02

Introduction :
Une création de la légion ardente pour "afaiblir" les fortifications du temple noir, marche funeste, boss de raid à 40, dans la vallée d'ombrelune devant le Temple Noir.

Configuration du raid :
2 Mt, de 3 à 5 off tanks
16 healers
4 dps cac
13 dps distance

Le Mt doit ètre le meilleur "geared" avec beaucoup de vie.

Les healers doivent ètrent 2 par groupes, 1 sur le mt et un autre sur le groupe en question.

Les dps cac sont les points faibles de ce combat, ils peuvent jamais sortir de la portée "Earthquake" (corps à corps?), "but are needed none the less. Also, as you get further out in the circle, there is more room to spread out than in the center."

Prerequis :
Tous les joueurs doivent avoir au minimum 8000pv (buffé). Il faut sacrifier le dps au profit de l'endurance. Il est crutial de pouvoir résister aux techniques de Marche Funeste.

Buff et popos :
Besoin de popos, pierres de soins, bandage pour healers et dps. Flacons pour nos mt. C'est le minimum afin d'envisager de le down.

Si vous voulez augmenter vos chances de le tuer, go popos pour les dps.
Triplz buff palouf recomandé, totems pour cac...Utiliser "heroism" pendant la phase enragé.

Le combats peut durer eternelement dans la mesure ou il est possible de sortir du combat. Les popos pour dps ne sont pas la meilleur solution et sont couteux (il connai pas Eze le mec qui a écrit sa ^^). Si tout le monde a plus de 8000pv, il suffit de maintenir les mt en vie pour le butter.

Techniques du boss

Dégats physiques, portée de 100m. Fait 2000 dégats toutes les 2s pendant 8s (8000 dégats). N'est pas réduit avec l'armure. Il est possible de sortir de la zone une fois le tremblement comencé, mais les joueurs se fond stun et tombent au sol. Bandages une fois la technique fini. Technique utilisé 1 fois par minutes.

Buff periodique de Marche Funeste qui augmente sa vitesse de 100%. Quand ce buff est actif il reset l'agro et charge dans le raid ("basaed on threat"). Les off tanks doivent le taunt quand il est dans le raid et le ramener à sa position. Le mt doit le re-taunt pour le reprendre. Stop dps total. Une fois toutes les 45s.

"Lightning Wrath"
Dégats nature ("binary resist"). Une ataque similaire à celle de C'Thun phase 1, mais peut fréquente. La chaine va sauter de joueurs en joueurs et les dégats vont augmenter. Les cacs doivent se superposer par 2. Cela permet d'ètre sur que seulement 2 personnes se prendront la chaine. Cette technique a une portée de 10m, le raid doit donc se trouver a plus de 10m du boss. Cette technique ne touche jamais le mt.

suite de la traduction dans le prochain é quelqu'un trouve la traduction des trucs que j'ai laissé entre " " ditent le moi, si j'ai fait une érreur de traduction pareil Smile (ou un oubli)
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Doomwalker Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Doomwalker   Doomwalker Icon_minitime

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